Why You Should Read Non-Fiction
3 min read

Why You Should Read Non-Fiction

Why You Should Read Non-Fiction
Photo by Sincerely Media / Unsplash

Without any doubt, reading has been a popular form of entertainment for many centuries, and it is no different today. But should reading books only be for entertainment is a question be to pondered upon. I have been a big time fiction reader but in the last couple of months, non-fiction has did something to me that fiction will never be able to. Switching from fiction to non-fiction was a difficult task, but I assure it will change your perspective on a lot of things.

That being said, if you read a lot of non-fiction and think reading fiction is a waste of time because it's purely meant for entertainment, I would like to give you a different perspective on this. Feel free to checkout my recently published article on

Reading fiction is a waste of time
How many times have you heard somebody say “What’s the point in reading fiction anyway? It’s just entertainment.” Well, here is your answer.

Now let's go ahead and explore why it is important to read non-fiction books.

1. Value

Reading need not be only for entertainment. Compared to fiction, non-fiction books are a great way to learn and grow, as they provide readers with factual information. Whether it is a book about history, science, or any other subject, non-fiction books offer you the opportunity to learn about a topic in an in-depth way. Reading non-fiction books can also give you a better understanding of the world you are in. One such book which I remember reading months back that helped me open my third eye is Sapiens. Would strongly recommend to you to checkout this book if you have not already.

2. Critical Thinking

Reading non-fiction books can also help in developing your critical thinking skills. As you get exposed to new ideas and concepts, you will be prone to think critically about the information and decide for yourself whether it is reliable or not. This helps to develop skills that are essential for making informed decisions in life.

3. Self-Improvement

Finally, reading non-fiction books can also help you to improve yourself, knowingly or unknowingly. As you study new topics and ideas, you will be able to apply the information to in your own lives and make improvements. Whether it is learning how to be more productive or developing a better understanding of a particular subject, non-fiction books can help you to become better person. Self-help or self-improvement books have always been mocked and I do agree when people say you need not really read a book to improve yourself. You probably need not, but it will definitely help if you do. One such book which I can assure has helped me a lot is Atomic Habits.

I have written a detailed article on Atomic Habits here. Feel free to check it out 👇

Atomic Habits - Overhyped ?
I remember the days when I wanted to read this book but kept procrastinating as I would end up thinking that this is just another self help book which will go down the drain post reading. I have never really liked following the crowd and it’s especially true when


Reading non-fiction books can have a number of positive benefits for readers. Not only do they provide readers with factual information, but they also help to develop critical thinking skills and allow readers to make improvements in their lives. Additionally, non-fiction books can be enjoyable to read, as many of them offer captivating stories and interesting insights into various topics. If you're looking for a way to expand your knowledge and improve your life, consider picking up a non-fiction book.

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